Longest Common Subsequence
Question. Given 2 strings
X[1...m], Y[1...n]
, what is the longest common subsequence between them? A common sequence satisfies the following:
- They appear in the same order as they do in the original sequence
- Doesn't need to be contiguous
Example: X = "DCUT", Y = "DUTC"
, then LCS(X, Y) = "DUT"
1. Solve the Backtracking Problem First
1.1 Function signature
Using the example above, let’s align the common letters:
\begin{matrix} X : &\tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ &\mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ \end{matrix}
We check 1 pair of characters at a time. Let’s use i for indexing X and j for indexing Y.
\underbrace{\xrightarrow[ \begin{matrix} &\green {\overset{\small{\text{match}}}{\Downarrow}}\\ X:&\tt{\green D}&\tt{C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ &\mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{\green D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ \end{matrix}]{\text{Scan Direction}}}_{\text{After check: } \texttt{i += 1, j += 1}}
To “take” a pair, we advance the indices for both strings. So j is pointing at U
right now:
\begin{matrix} &&\overset{\small}{\small \Downarrow}\\ X:&\tt{D}&\tt{\red C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ &\mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{\red U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ &&&\underset{\small}{\small\Uparrow} \end{matrix}
That’s a mismatch, we need to skip. To "skip" a pair, we advance only 1 index, either i or j. Here the correct choice is i.
\underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&\to&\overset{\small}{\small \Downarrow}\\ X:&\tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{\green U}& \tt{T} &\\ &\mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{\green U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ &&&\underset{\small}{\small\Uparrow} \end{matrix}}_{\text{skip }i} \hspace {2cm} \underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&\overset{\small}{\small \Downarrow}\\ X:&\tt{D}&\tt{\red C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ &\mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{\red T}& \tt{C}\\ &&&\to&\underset{\small}{\small\Uparrow} \end{matrix}}_{\text{skip } j}
On the graph it might look obvious, but we won’t know that i is correct until the recursion result comes back. So from the algorithm's point of view it probably looks like this at current recursion level:
\underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&&\overset{\small}{\small \Downarrow}\\ X:&\tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{\green U}& \blacksquare &\blacksquare\\ &\mid & && &\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{\green U} & \blacksquare& \blacksquare\\ &&&\underset{\small}{\small\Uparrow} \end{matrix}}_{\text{skip }i} \hspace {2cm} \underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&\overset{\small}{\small \Downarrow}\\ X:&\tt{D}&\tt{\red C} & \blacksquare& \blacksquare &\blacksquare\\ &\mid & && \mid&\\ Y:&\tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{\red T}& \blacksquare\\ &&&&\underset{\small}{\small\Uparrow} \end{matrix}}_{\text{skip } j}
We don’t know what’s the length of LCS in the blacked out areas, so we continue until one of the strings becomes empty. Suppose we chose to skip i:
\left.\underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&\green{\overset{\footnotesize{\text{match}}}{\Downarrow}}\\ \tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ \mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ \tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ \end{matrix}}_\texttt{i += 1, j += 1} \hspace{1.25cm} %\middle | %\hspace{0.5cm} \underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&&\green{\overset{\footnotesize{\text{match}}}{\Downarrow}}\\ \tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\\ \mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ \tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ \end{matrix}}_\texttt{i += 1, j += 1} \hspace{1.25cm} %\middle| %\hspace{0.25cm} \underbrace{\begin{matrix} &&&&\red{\overset{\footnotesize{\text{end}}}{\Downarrow}}\\ \tt{D}&\tt{C} & \tt{U}& \tt{T} &\tt{\purple{\backslash0}}\\ \mid & &\mid & \mid&\\ \tt{D}&&\tt{U} & \tt{T}& \tt{C}\\ \end{matrix}}_\texttt{base case} \right.
Now we know what the function should look like:
function LCS(i: int, j: int) -> int
The return value is the length of the longest common subsequence.
1.2 Base cases
- If either string is empty, then their common subsequence is the empty string with 0 length.
- If either
goes out of bounds, common subsequence is nothing \implies length is also 0.
\begin{aligned}\text{LCS}&(i, \red {n + 1}) &= 0\\ \text{LCS}&(\red {m + 1}, j) &= 0 \end{aligned}
1.3 Recursive Cases
Let’s first consider what a choice is. A choice is whether to take or skip a character in the string.
There are only 2 valid choices at a time:
- If the current character matches, then we definitely take from both
- If the current character doesn’t match, then we must skip either i or j.
Now we consider how to make a choice. From 1.1 we observed that:
- If we want to take the current pair, we advance both i and j.
- If we skip, we try to advance i or j. Try both and we will take the better one with a
1.4 Building the recurrence
Combining 1.2 and 1.3, we can write:
\text{LCS}(i, j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $i = m+1$ or $j = n+1$} \\ \text{Take both }&\text{if } X[i] = Y[j]\\ \max\left.\begin{cases} \text{Skip }i\\ \text{Skip }j\\ \end{cases}\right\} &\text{if }X[i]\ne Y[j] \end{cases}
Convert to expressions:
\text{LCS}(i, j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $i = m+1$ or $j = n+1$} \\ \text{LCS}(i + 1, j + 1) + 1&\text{if } X[i] = Y[j]\\ \max\left.\begin{cases} \text{LCS}(i+1, j)\\ \text{LCS}(i, j + 1)\\ \end{cases}\right\} &\text{if }X[i]\ne Y[j] \end{cases}
In pseudocode:
// Givens
const X[1...m]: string = ...
const Y[1...n]: string = ...
function LCS_length(i: int, j: int) -> int:
if i == m + 1 or j == n + 1:
return 0
if X[i] == Y[j]:
return LCS_length(i + 1, j + 1) + 1 // always take if characters match
skipI = LCS_length(i + 1, j) // try to skip i
skipJ = LCS_length(i, j + 1) // try to skip j
return max(skipI, skipJ)
1.5 Python: Backtracking LCS
Sanity Check
- We are making exactly 1 choice at each recursion level:
- Take when
X[i] == Y[j]
. - Skip when
X[i] != Y[j]
. Compute the results of skipping i and j, then take the better one.
- Take when
- Take is the only valid choice when
X[i] == Y[j]
2. Convert to Dynamic Programming
2.1 Data Structure
LCS needs 2 arguments, so let’s use a 2D array. Let’s define:
dpTable = Array(shape=(m + 1, n + 1))
To get the result of a previous call, we can use dpTable[i, j]
2.2 Order of Evaluation
From the recurrence above, the \text{LCS}(i, j) call requires:
- \text{LCS}(i+1, j + 1)
- \text{LCS}(i+1, j)
- \text{LCS}(i, j+1)
Since i + 1 > i and j + 1 > j, both i and j needs to go from high values to low values, which means we use reversed for loops for both. The nesting order doesn’t matter here because i and j don’t depend on each other.
In pseudocode:
function LCS_length_DP(X[1...m], Y[1...n]) -> int:
dpTable = Array(shape=(m + 1, n + 1))
// base cases
for j = 1 to n + 1:
dpTable[m + 1, j] = 0 // LCS(m+1, j)
for i = 1 to m:
dpTable[i, n + 1] = 0 // LCS(i, n+1)
// Recursive cases & order of evaluation
for i = m to 1:
for j = n to 1:
if X[i] == Y[j]:
// LCS(i, j) = LCS(i+1, j+1) + 1 if X[i] == Y[j]
dpTable[i, j] = dpTable[i + 1, j + 1] + 1
skipI = dpTable[i + 1, j] // LCS(i+1, j)
skipJ = dpTable[i, j + 1] // LCS(i, j+1)
dpTable[i, j] = max(skipI, skipJ)
// LCS(i, j) = max(LCS(i+1, j), LCS(i, j+1))
return dpTable[1, 1] // LCS(1, 1) initial call
function LCS_length_DP(X[1...m], Y[1...n]) -> int:
dpTable = Array(shape=(m + 1, n + 1))
for j = 1 to n + 1:
dpTable[m + 1, j] = 0
for i = 1 to m:
dpTable[i, n + 1] = 0
for i = m to 1:
for j = n to 1:
if X[i] == Y[j]:
dpTable[i, j] = dpTable[i + 1, j + 1] + 1
skipI = dpTable[i + 1, j]
skipJ = dpTable[i, j + 1]
dpTable[i, j] = max(skipI, skipJ)
return dpTable[1, 1]
For 122A students
Note that if we do the check direction backwards (last character to first), then the order of evaluation is reversed. This reversed order yields the original pseudocode from 122A.
- Basically flip the scan line in this
graph .
The backwards recurrence is:
\text{RevLCS}(i, j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if\red{ $i = 0$ or $j =0$}} \\ \text{Take both }&\text{if } X[i] = Y[j]\\ \max\left.\begin{cases} \text{Skip }i\\ \text{Skip }j\\ \end{cases}\right\} &\text{if }X[i]\ne Y[j] \end{cases}
In expressions:
\text{RevLCS}(i, j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $i = 0$ or $j = 0$} \\ \text{RevLCS}(i -1, j -1) + 1&\text{if } X[i] = Y[j]\\ \max\left.\begin{cases} \text{RevLCS}(i-1, j)\\ \text{RevLCS}(i, j -1)\\ \end{cases}\right\} &\text{if }X[i]\ne Y[j] \end{cases}
Both i and j now need to go from low values to high values, hence the normal for loops.
3. Python: DP Longest Common Subsequence
- O(n^2) runtime from the nested for loop, O(n^2) space for the 2D array
4. Recovering the Matches
So far our solution correctly computes the length, but we don’t know which characters are in the final LCS. More formally, how do we record the matching pair of indices i, j as the loops in the DP solution progresses?
4.1 Recording the Choices
We can use a technique called parent pointers. This technique will show up again in SSSP.
Recall from the recurrence that for all possible pairs of i,j, we always make a choice if we are not at the base case:
\text{LCS}(i, j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $i = m+1$ or $j = n+1$} \\ \text{\red{Take} both }&\text{if } X[i] = Y[j]\\ \max\left.\begin{cases} \text{\red{Skip} }i\\ \text{\red{Skip} }j\\ \end{cases}\right\} &\text{if }X[i]\ne Y[j] \end{cases}
We can record the choices with a map, where the keys are the input parameters and the values are the choices:
lcsChoices: Map<Inputs, Choices>
We can add the choice-recording step:
function LCS_length_DP(X[1...m], Y[1...n]) -> number:
dpTable = Array(shape=(m + 1, n + 1))
for j = 1 to n + 1:
dpTable[m + 1, j] = 0
for i = 1 to m:
dpTable[i, n + 1] = 0
lcsChoices = Map()
for i = m to 1:
for j = n to 1:
if X[i] == Y[j]:
dpTable[i, j] = dpTable[i + 1, j + 1] + 1
lcsChoices[i, j] = [i + 1, j + 1]
skipI = dpTable[i + 1, j]
skipJ = dpTable[i, j + 1]
if skipI > skipJ:
dpTable[i, j] = skipI
lcsChoices[i, j] = [i + 1, j]
dpTable[i, j] = skipJ
lcsChoices[i, j] = [i, j + 1]
return dpTable[1, 1]
Since we are iterating over all combinations of i and j, the lcsChoices
map will have exactly m\cdot n entries. Assuming we are not accounting for any additional memory overhead, the total space complexity remains O(mn).
4.2 Following the parent pointers
When we store the result lcsChoices[i, j] = [i + 1, j]
, we are saying that “the next best choice for \text{LCS}(i,j) is (i+1, j)”.
The initial call for \text{LCS} is i=1,j=1, so we start with this entry and follow the parent pointers until we hit the base case:
function recoverMatches(parentPointers: Map) -> List, List:
i, j = [1, 1] // initial call params, corresponds to LCS(1, 1)
matchIdxX = [] // matching indices in X
matchIdxY = [] // matching indices in Y
// while curr is still a key, if curr is the base case then it's not a key
while (i, j) in parentPointers:
if X[i] == Y[j]:
// follow the parent pointer, this is saying:
// LCS(i, j) made the choice parentPointers[curr]
i, j = parentPointers[i, j]
return matchIdxX, matchIdxY
The while loop condition works because these loops from DP never go beyond m and n:
for i = m to 1:
for j = n to 1:
(m, n) will still be a key in lcsChoices
, but none of its possible values, stored in lcsChoices[m, n]
, will be a key:
(m+1, n+1)\\ (m, n+1)\\ (m+1, n)
so we are guaranteed that this loop will stop.
Implementation Detail
We are taking a shortcut here by assuming lcsChoices[i, j]
is a valid key. This is valid in python because tuples are hash-able, but it might not be the case for other languages.
In that case we can always use a 2D array or a nested hash map and access by integer indices like lcsChoices[i][j]