# The Only Graph Traversal Algorithm

Question. How to visit every vertex exactly once in a graph?

# Whatever First Search

Let T be the generic type name. We will make up an imaginary data structure called a Bag<T>. It has 3 methods:

  1. put(element: T) puts an element in the bag.
  2. popFirst() -> T returns whatever is the "first" thing in the bag and removes it.
  3. isEmpty() -> bool returns whether the bag is empty or not.

Then the pseudocode for whatever first search is:

function WhateverFirstSearch(G: Graph, start: Vertex):
	for each vertex v in G:
		mark v as NEW

	bag = Bag<Vertex>()

	while bag is not empty:
		u = bag.popFirst()
		if u is NEW:
			mark u as SEEN
			for each v adjacent to u:

Here process(u) is just a blackbox subroutine. We can do anything inside process(u) as long as we don’t change the vertex status.

# Important Variants

By changing the bag's behavior of popFirst() and put(element), we get the familiar search algorithms:


Depth First Search. DFS is usually implemented with recursion allowing cycle detection.

  • put(element) appends to the end
  • popFirst() pops from the end

Breadth First Search

  • put(element) appends to the end
  • popFirst() pops from the front
Priority Queue

Best First Search

  • put(element) appends with a priority value in O(\log n) time
  • popFirst() pops the element with highest priority in O(\log n) time.

# Python

The WhateverFirstSearch_Connected function implements this. Github

To handle disconnected graphs we need to make the following modifications.

# Whatever First Search–All

For each vertex in G, if we’ve never visited this vertex before, visit everything that we can reach from this vertex.

We will make a small wrapper.

// main routine
function WhateverFirstSearch(G: Graph):
	for each vertex v in G:
		mark v as NEW
	for each vertex v in G:
		if v is NEW:
			WhateverFirstVisit(G, v)
function WhateverFirstVisit(G: Graph, start: Vertex):
	bag = Bag<Vertex>()

	while bag is not empty:
		u = bag.popFirst()
		if u is not SEEN:
			mark u as SEEN
			for each v adjacent to u:

Changing the bag's behavior on popFirst() will result in the same variants, but now they can handle disconnected graphs.

# Python

The WhateverFirstSearch_All function implements this. Github