# Quick Select (122B)

Question. Given an unsorted A[1...N]: List<number> and a positive integer k, 1 <= k <= N, how do we find the k-th smallest element of A in O(n) time?

For example, A = [3,2,1,5,6,4], k = 2 gives us 2.

# One Armed Quick Select

The idea is similar to quick sort. Partition A by some pivot, then recursively search the left and right half with respect to the pivot.

  • Let the pivot value be p, pivot index be pivot_index. Recall that A[i] < p if i < pivot_index, and A[i] >= p if i >= pivot_index
function quickSelect(A: [1...N], k: int) -> int:
    pivot_value = selectPivot(A) // black box subroutine
    small, large = [], []

    for a in A:
        if a < pivot_value:
        else if a > pivot_value:

    s = len(small)
    l = len(large)

    if k < s:
        return quickSelect(small, k)
    else if k > N - s:
        return quickSelect(large, k - (N - s))
        return pivot_value

# Example Walkthrough

For A = [3,2,1,5,6,4], k = 2, we have:

N = 6
pivot_value = 4
small = [3, 2, 1]
large = [5, 6]

2 < len(small), call quickSelect(small, 2)


N = 3
pivot_value = 1
small = []
large = [3, 2]

Neither 2 < 0 nor 2 > 3 - 0, so we hit the else case
return 1

# Decide which half to search

If p is the pivot value, then after partition(), the array A looks like this:

\tt \underbrace{\overbrace{...}^{\text{values < p}}}_{\text{left half}},\;p\dots p,\;\underbrace{\overbrace{...}^{\text{values > p}}}_{\text{right half}}

Notice that there's a chunk of p next to each other in the middle. Recall that the idea is to recursively search the left and right half. If k < len(left), then the kth smallest is in left, so we just do the recursive call on left.

If is in the right half,