# Network Flow Pt.1

# Transportation Problem

# Scenario. Sending supplies to stores

Suppose you own a clothing business and owns both factories and stores. Let \bigcirc be the factories (supply nodes) and \triangle be the stores (demand node). The supply system looks like a directed graph:

The placements are arbitrary
The placements are arbitrary

There’s also a unit cost to ship cloths from i to j.

{\Large\text{\textcircled{$\normalsize i$}}}\xrightarrow{\normalsize c_{ij}}{\Large\triangle}\!\!\!\!\!\!j

# Variables

Set of supply nodes
Set of demand nodes
Supply capacity of node i
Demand at node j
Unit transportation cost to go from i to j
x_{ij} Decision Variable
Amount of items to ship from supply node i to demand node j. \forall i\in I, j\in J

# Objective

We want to minimize the total shipping cost.

\min\sum_{i\in I, j\in J}c_{ij }x_{ij}\\[10pt]
\text{subject to}&&\left\{\begin{aligned}
\forall j, \sum_i x_{ij}&\geqslant d_j && \small\text{(meets demand)}\\
 \forall i, \sum_j x_{ij}&\leqslant s_i && \small\text{(within capacity)}\\
x_{ij}&\geqslant 0 

# Proposition. Integer Constraints ⇒ Integer Solutions, Existence

  1. If d_j, s_i\in \Z, the solution are also integers.

  2. If the total demand is less than total supply, the the problem is feasible.

     \sum_{i\in I}s_i\geqslant \sum_{j\in J} d_j

We will see that the transportation problem is a special case of the more general network flow problem.

# Network Flow Problem

Given a graph G = (V, A), where V is the set of vertices, A is the set of arcs.

Define x_{ij} to be the flow on the arc i\to j.

Each node i has the flow conservation constraint

# Def. Flow Conservation

For each node i,

\text{Flow into } i &= \text{Flow out from }i\\
\sum_{(j\to i) \in A}x_{ji} &= \sum_{(i\to k) \in A}x_{ik}

# Objective

Minimize the total cost. c_{ij} is the unit cost to go from i\to j.

\min \sum_{(i\to j)\in A}c_{ij}x_{ij}\\
\text{subject to flow conservation}

Flows could have upper and lower bounds:

l_{ij}\leqslant x_{ij}\leqslant u_{ij}

# Special Case: Transportation Problem

Continue from above, define the vertices to be:

V = \{\text{Supply nodes}\}\cup\{\text{Demand Nodes}\} = I\cup J

Since there are only arcs from supply nodes to demand nodes, we can group everything into a bipartite graph.

where is the universal node u to maintain flow conservation.

  • Supply nodes only have arcs leaving them, causing negative flow.

    The universal node can be thought of as the universal supplier that sends products to the supply nodes.

  • Demand nodes only receives flow, so they have positive flow.

    The universal node can be thought of as the universal customer that buys everything.

Therefore the set of arcs A is given by:

A ={}&\{i\to j: i\text{ is supply node}, j\text{ is demand node}\}\cup{}\\
&\{u\to i:i\text{ is supply node}\}\cup{}\\
&\{ j\to u:j\text{ is demand node}\}

# Decision Variables

y_i and z_j are new for this model.

Amount of items to ship from supply node i to demand node j.
The flow from u to i for each supply node i
The from from j to u for each demand node j

# Objective

Minimize the total cost.

\min\sum_{i\in I, j\in J}c_{ij}x_{ij} +\underbrace{ \sum_{i\in I}0y_i + \sum_{j\in J} 0 z_j}_0

Note that the under-braced parts are 0, because we only use y_i, z_j for flow conservation. There’s no unit cost associated with arcs from or into u.

# Constraints

For each supply node i, total flow out should equal to total flow in.

y_i = \sum_{j\in J}x_{ij}

For each demand node j, total flow in should equal total flow out.

\sum_{i\in I}x_{ij} = z_j

For the universal node, flow out = flow in.

\sum_{j\in J}z_j = \sum_{i\in I}y_i

Finally the bounds:

  1. x_{ij}\geqslant 0, can’t ship negative amount of products to demand nodes
  2. y_i\leqslant s_i, can’t go over the supply capacity
  3. z_j\geqslant d_j, meets demand

Together we have the transportation model.

The constraints are exactly the same as above.